Team Fortress 2
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10/10 [GOLD] Guest Review by Mari, Gamer Hall of Fame'r
Cute Lil cartoony game with lots of sprays and things to discover and choose from! Collect cool hats and loadout items while defending for your team!
Full review
10/10 [GOLD]
A seemingly Endless sandbox game, Minecraft never fails to amaze with its generated landscape. With constant updats, it seems minecraft will be making adventures for a long time.

Tarkov meets Xbox. A loot and shoot game centered in post war Poland, making for beautiful scenes. Collect material, ammo and guns to upgrade your house. And use a rubix cude that sits on your bookshelf.
Fallout 4

A dreary post nuclear war landscape, with horribly irridated creatures. Fallout 4 is designed to give hundreds of hours of fun, especially with its community made mods.
Club Penguin

You thought it was dead? No Siree Bob. Just look it up.
Sea Of Theives

All i need to say is, if you love Pirates of the Carribean, you'll love this game.
7/10 [MEME]
Cartoony combat. Many major updates. Very fun game for everyone, and is very casual.
Fallout 76

7.5/10 [OOF]
It tripped on launch, but somehow started to recover. Its like Fallout 4, but multiplayer. And located in the mountains. With cryptid creatures.
Battlefield 1

Great graphics on console and PC, but pretty depressing. And i still play it over and over...

6.5/10 [POTENTIAL]
It was a a decent modern warfare experience, but it was plagued by bad server connection and a system that would bully you by giving you cool weapons- only to take them away a few hours later... I dont think its bad per say, just not the experiance for everyone.
Destiny 2

8.5/10 [Thats a spicy exotic]
Realistic graphics and big spooky monsters. The only game i know that deserves a seizure warning; and doesnt have it.